Friday, September 26, 2008


Welcome new and old Friends of Cookie Friday, it's that time again. Although today was an overall mellow CF (probably because of last week's blow out celebration), today's special was still enjoyed by all. Banana walnut milk chocolate chip cookies, via my friend Martha, made for a sweet end to another week at the office. I'm staring at the last cookie right now if anyone wants it!

Ah, Guittard milk chocolate chips—my own personal kryptonite.

Freelancing newcomers Billy and Tiffany are wondering what they got themselves into. Warren and Janelle already know the deal.

If she's down with cookies, she's down with me.

Jeffy wouldn't eat the cookie, but he did pose with it. He's a sport like that.

In Big T's words: "Everything to excess." I like her style.

*Make sure to stop by next week for a one-of-a-kind Charity Cookie Friday to raise money for National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Have a sweet weekend, everyone!

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